Success Story

Agile Content

After upgrading their VCAS solution, Agile Content was interested in completing their migration to the cloud. They needed a trusted partner to manage and address issues of complexity and security while also allowing them to retain full control of their AgileTV service offering and subscriber relations.

Verimatrix VCAS and Multi-DRM hosted in the cloud provide Agile Content with a comprehensive, multi-screen solution for premium content security and monetization with a flexible and cost-effective SaaS model that adapts to studio-mandated security standards in real-time.

“We are pleased to have implemented a simple yet scalable DRM solution within the same framework that continues to protect our content with leading edge security.”

Monica Rayo

COO at Agile Content

Do you have questions about applications and content security?

Book a call with one of our experts to see how we can help protect your business.

Other Success Stories

See how protects content by leveraging a SaaS model of Multi-DRM, hosted via the Verimatrix Secure Cloud.


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Learn why Verimatrix VCAS was Armstrong’s undisputed choice after upgrading their platform.