
The State of Mobile Security

It’s a wild, unprotected world out there – 95% of mobile banking apps lack the required security! In a world where security breaches and cyber-attacks make headlines, the complexity of the mobile banking market adds an additional layer of concern.

This ebook, a result of collaborative research by Verimatrix and UL, delves into the risk assessment of mobile banking apps and the potential exposure they pose.

What is needed to enhance mobile security practices

In this ebook, you will learn:
  • Why mobile security is an important feature for mobile banking users, and why most financial institutions miss the mark.
  • Why viewing mobile security as a simple back-end component is a costly mistake and how it leaves your app vulnerable to attack.
  • How to make the right choices to protect your revenue, reputation, and your customers.

Other ebooks

Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting mobile apps. That’s because hackers understand that all apps have a “guaranteed vulnerability” (in other words, no code is perfect). This eBook will teach you how to ensure that your code is as secure as possible.
This new survey highlights provocative disparities and eye-popping findings when it comes to mobile banking app security. Read the report to explore valuable and actionable research findings.
With retail banks citing mobile banking as their top priority IT project based on Omdia’s ICT Enterprise Insights 2020/21 survey, financial apps are becoming the new normal. While mobile banking brings numerous opportunities, it also comes with application security challenges.